Home / Area Code / 514 / 514-240 / 514-240-55 / 514-240-5516


Report: Suspicious
Area Code: 514
Prefix: 240
Owner name: This ****
Owner email: ****@
County Montreal
City: Montreal
State/Province: Quebec
Use Type: Wireless
Carrier: Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (Wireless)
International format: +15142405516 / 0015142405516
Time Zone: Atlantic 17:26:59
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User Report stats for 5142405516

  • 0 user

    Safe Calls

    The caller is a trusted individual or some institution and is a secure caller.

  • 0 user

    Unsafe Calls

    Callers are phone scammers who can make you lose money and reveal valuable personal information.

  • 0 user

    Unknown Calls

    These calls are calls you haven't heard. You can't be sure who the caller is.

  • 0 user

    Harassing Calls

    These callers are deliberately harassing intentional pranks or perverts that can seriously affect your life.

  • 0 user

    Voice Calls

    Usually a pre-recorded voice call, many about surveys, advertisements, etc.

  • 0 user

    Other Calls

    Vote for the type of caller not summarized above.

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Comments for 5142405516

  • Lisa A Forrest  3 month ago
    +1-514-240-5516 | Category: Unknown Calls
    This guy kept texting me from that number trying to get my name,pretending to know me etc. When I did not fall for it he told me to f*!* off.Called me a bunch of disgraceful names.Still did not bite so he finally texted me and aksed for my name politley saying we could be friends. HAHAHAHAHA YEAH REALLY GENIUS I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND.I never replied but did get him back over the phone from a pay phone and got him at his own game.(no vulgar oe obscene language but it was payback in a clean way)if he calls you or texts just dont reply. Delete
    Keith Tabron  3 month ago
    +1-514-240-5516 | Category: Voice Calls
    This dude sent us this message:. U will be fukin murdered tonight. rang them back with pay phone, seemed just like she is making a joke. . exactly what kinda dumb s**t would be making jokes just like that ?!? Delete
    [email protected]  3 month ago
    +1-514-240-5516 | Category:
    Co Rd 244, Athens Delete

Caller ID 514-240-5385 belongs to Montreal, Quebec(Canada). The number has 0 the voted. Comments left by other users below. Hope can help you judge the phone number. Please post all your information about the caller so that you can help more people. You can also mark (514) 240-5516 as safe, unsafe, harassing, etc. You can also unlock other information about callers from our partner companies.